Fox ultra-Conservative Charles Krauthammer dying from cancer

Charles Krauthammer, the famed conservative commentator, said Friday that he is dying from cancer and has weeks left to live.
Krauthammer was born on March 13, 1950, in New York City.[4] His father was from Ukraine and his mother from Belgium. His brother, Marcel, was four years older. The family spoke French in the home. When he was 5, the Krauthammers moved to Montreal. Through the school year they resided in Montreal but spent the summers in Long Beach, New York.[6][7] Both parents were Orthodox Jews, and he and his brother were educated at a Hebrew school. He attended McGill University in Montreal, graduating in 1970 with First Class Honours in both economics and political science.[8] At the time, McGill University was a hotbed of radical sentiment, something that Krauthammer says influenced his dislike of political extremism. "I became very acutely aware of the dangers, the hypocrisies, and sort of the extremism of the political extremes. And it cleansed me very early in my political evolution of any romanticism," He later said: "I detested the extreme Left and extreme Right, and found myself somewhere in the middle."[9] The following year, after graduating from McGill, he studied as a Commonwealth Scholar in politics at Balliol College, Oxford, before returning to the United States to attend medical school at Harvard.
Krauthammer was injured in a diving board accident during his first year of medical school. He sustained injuries that left him paralyzed below the neck and required him to be hospitalized for 14 months.[4][5] He has used a wheelchair ever since. He remained with his Harvard Medical School class during his hospitalization, graduating in 1975. From 1975 through 1978 Krauthammer was a resident in psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital, serving as chief resident his final year. During his time as chief resident he noted a variant of manic depression (bipolar disorder) that he identified and named "Secondary Mania". He published his findings in the Archives of General Psychiatry.[10] He also coauthored a path-finding study on the epidemiology of mania.[
Krauthammer Extreme Muslim Hater
Krauthammer strongly opposed the Oslo accords and asserted that Palestinian Liberation Organization leader Yasir Arafat would use the foothold it gave him in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip to continue the war against Israel that he had ostensibly renounced in the Israel–Palestine Liberation Organization letters of recognition. In a July 2006 essay in Time, Krauthammer asserted that the Israeli–Palestinian conflict was fundamentally defined by the Palestinians' unwillingness to accept compromise.[38]
During the 2006 Lebanon War, Krauthammer wrote a column, "Let Israel Win the War": "What other country, when attacked in an unprovoked aggression across a recognized international frontier, is then put on a countdown clock by the world, given a limited time window in which to fight back, regardless of whether it has restored its own security?"[39] He later criticized Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert's conduct, arguing that Olmert "has provided unsteady and uncertain leadership. Foolishly relying on air power alone, he denied his generals the ground offensive they wanted, only to reverse himself later."[40]
Krauthammer supports a two-state solution to the conflict. Unlike many conservatives, he supported Israel's Gaza withdrawal as a step toward rationalizing the frontiers between Israel and a future Palestinian state. He believes a security barrier between the two states' final borders will be an important element of any lasting peace.[41]
When Richard Goldstone retracted the claim in the UN report on the 2008 Gaza war that Israel intentionally killed Palestinian civilians,[42] including children, Krauthammer strongly criticized Goldstone, saying that "this weasel-y excuse-laden retraction is too little and too late" and called "the original report a blood libel ranking with the libels of the 19th century in which Jews were accused of ritually slaughtering children in order to use the blood in rituals." Krauthammer thought that Goldstone "should spend the rest of his life undoing the damage and changing and retracting that report.
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