No Social Progress in America Under Donald Trump Administration by Sherif Monem

With the loss of presidential election by Hillary Clinton due to miscalculations and missteps the prospects of progress in the country have dampened and likely will continue so for the whole four years of Trump reign,  There were talks about free education for the first two years of college or the whole four years of college as advocated by Hillary Clinton and her democratic primaries opponent Bernie Sanders but the whole thing got muted with Donald Trump in office now. 
The social progress comes in coarse steps along the years and usually a complete halt during the Republican's years and then in a Democratic administration the struggle for social rights improvement starts anew and hopefully succeeds over fierce resistance from the Republicans.
Hillary Clinton had a plan to make college debt free and now for her loss the plan is in dust.

Hillary Clinton

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and former rival Bernie Sanders teamed up to discuss college affordability in a campaign stop in New Hampshire on Wednesday.
The two touted her debt-free college plan, the New College Compact, which she first proposed in August 2015, and has since refined.
Last year, the former secretary of state promised that students attending public colleges would not need to take out loans.
"I'm a little different from those who say free college for everybody," she said on NBC's "Today" show in 2015. "I am not in favor of making college free for Donald Trump's kids. I am in favor of making college free for your grandson by having no-debt tuition."
Clinton's plan would make tuition at four-year public colleges and universities "debt free" and would be calculated based on family income.
Her proposal starts by making public college free for families that earn $85,000 or less annually, gradually lifting the threshold up to families that earn $125,000 a year by 2021. Community college would be free for all students, and interest rates on student loans would be decreased.
Clinton Sanders endorsement

Bernie Sanders Just Introduced His Free College Tuition Plan

Senator Bernie Sanders stepped into that breach Monday afternoon, introducing a bill with Senator Elizabeth Warren, Representative Keith Ellison, and several other members of Congress. The College for All Act aims to eliminate tuition and fees at public four-year colleges and universities for students from families that make up to $125,000 per year. The bill would make community college tuition-free for all income levels.


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