Sarah Palin the Most Dangerous Woman in America Cross-Hair Map

Sarah Palin’s target list is making headlines,after it was revealed that the former governor was targeting Gabrielle Giffords, a Democrat U.S. Congresswoman, who was the victim of the Jan. 8th shootout that took place in a grocery store in Tucson (Arizona).

Gabrielle Giffords has been shot in the head by 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner who killed six people including a judge and a nine year old child while injuring eighteen other attendees.

Reports claiming that Gabrielle Giffords has been “shot at close range in the head” has the media digging and analyzing an old post that Palin did back in March in 2010 where the 40-year-old wife of astronaut Mark Kelly was identified as a target.

The Alaskan politician posted a map of the United States with crosshairs over red states where Democrats voted for the health care reform.


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