Dick Cheney the Provocateur "Obama Projects Weakness"

Cheney slams Obama for projecting 'weakness'
Dick Cheney is the worst human on the planet at the present time. He is the most evil and he is the devil in flesh and blood. He is a stupid man and trouble maker. After using George W Bush as a Yoo-Yoo in his hand for 8-years he is smoking pipe and dreaming he will make Barack Obama as a toy in his hand.
This old man is a curse on humanity, "Projects Weakness' What stupid is that?
The Republicans in general are evil but Dick Cheney is the devil's devil.
Quotes of Vulgarities:
"Go f*ck yourself." --to Sen. Patrick Leahy, during an angry exchange on the Senate floor about profiteering by Halliburton, June 25, 2004".
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