
Showing posts from February, 2020

Joe Biden is Dumb Blacks Will Vote For Winner Sanders Analysis by Sherif Monem Monempol


Aggressive Visciois Look of Elizabeth Warren at Mike Bloomberg during the Las Vegas Democratic Primary Debate


The Democratic Race Poll 2020

February 21, 2020 Sanders outpaces his presidential rivals in claiming about a quarter of likely Democratic primary voters, 24 percent, according to a new Monmouth University Poll . Sanders is followed by former Vice President Joe Biden at 17 percent, former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg at 13 percent, Sen. Elizabeth Warren at 10 percent and former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg at 9 percent. Polling Data Poll Date Sample Sanders Biden Bloomberg Warren Buttigieg Klobuchar Steyer Gabbard Spread RCP Average 2/12 - 2/18 -- 28.6 17.6 15.9 12.3 10.3 6.6 2.3 1.7 Sanders +11.0 ABC News/Wash Post 2/14 - 2/17 408 RV 32 16 14 12 8 7 2 1 Sanders +16 Emerson 2/16 - 2/18 573 LV 29 22 14 12 8 6 3 4 Sanders +7 Economist/YouGov 2/16 - 2/18 555 LV 24 18 12 16 11 7 2 2 Sanders +6 NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 2/14 - 2/17 426 LV 27 15 14 14 13 7 2 1 Sanders +12 SurveyUSA 2/13 - 2/17 1022 LV 29 18 18 10 12 4 2 -- Sanders +11 NPR/PBS/Marist 2/13 - 2/16 527 RV 31 15...

Sen. Amy Klobuchar Should Quit Race Throw Her Hat Out of the Ring in Hurry by Sherif Monem Monempol

Sen. Amy Klobuchar is very boring and vain and master of "I am the only one". All polls indicate that she is faillure and polls show that has less than 10% or 4% to 9% choice or favorability rank. She should throw her hat out as her name Klobuchar in Slovenian is Hatter. Sen. Amy Klobuchar please exit the door and back to Wahington and in the mean time she was very mean to Mike Bloomberg in the Last Las Vegas debate.

Exciting Information about Mike Bloomberg

ike Bloomberg’s sudden climb up the polls has been fueled by an unprecedented gusher of cash, a self-funded, blank-check campaign buildup and blanket advertising designed to introduce the $64-billion man to a national electorate that mostly didn’t follow his 12-year tenure as mayor of New York or his groundbreaking career as the founder of his eponymous financial services, data and media conglomerate. Bloomberg arrives on the debate stage Wednesday night without the year or more of coverage that has been focused on his top rivals—to say nothing of the eight debates he missed. What do voters need to know? Here, culled from biographies, his memoir and coverage over the years in major news outlets, is a quick primer on the life of Michael Rubens Bloomberg, born on Valentine’s Day in 1942 in Boston, one of the richest people in the world and the most recent entrant in this topsy-turvy 2020 presidential cycle. Wednesday night‘s debate in Nevada is the first for which he’s qualified, ...