Donald Trump Tyranny Condoning War Crimes Political Analysis

Fired top Navy official says Trump doesn't understand what a 'warfighter' is because they have standards and accountability

WASHINGTON (AP) — Defense Secretary Mark Esper declared that President Donald Trump ordered him to stop a disciplinary review of a Navy SEAL accused of battlefield misconduct, an intervention that raised questions about America’s commitment to international standards for battlefield ethics.

Donald Trump is disgrace

President Trump’s attempt to manipulate military justice had a sorry outcome Sunday with the firing of Navy Secretary Richard V. Spencer. For the past nine months, Spencer had tried to dissuade Trump from dictating special treatment for Navy SEAL Edward Gallagher — but in the end Spencer was sacked for his efforts to protect his service.

​With Spencer’s firing, Trump has recklessly crossed a line he had generally observed before, which had exempted the military from his belligerent, government-by-tweet interference. But the Gallagher case illustrates how an irascible, vengeful commander in chief is ready to override traditional limits to aid political allies in foreign policy, law enforcement and now military matters.
Edward Gallagher was convicted in July for posing in a trophy photo with the corpse of a Islamic State captive.
Spencer wrote. “The rule of law is what sets us apart from our adversaries.” 

Trump undercuts his military leadership — and dishonors troops who uphold our values

Against the advice of top Pentagon officials, Mr. Trump this month pardoned Navy Seal Chief Petty Officer Gallagher, convicted by a military court of posing for a trophy photo with a corpse of a fighter in Iraq; Army 1st Lt. Clint Lorance, convicted in 2013 of two counts of second-degree murder after ordering his soldiers to fire into a group of unarmed Afghans; and Army Maj. Mathew L. Golsteyn, awaiting trial on charges he murdered an Afghan man. It was the first time a president had pardoned a service member for war crimes, and it prompted fierce backlash from veterans and legal experts who said it will erode the system of military justice and hurt U.S. credibility abroad.
Navy Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher leaves a military court on Naval Base San Diego on July 2. (Gregory Bull/AP)
Vicious Criminal
Edward Gallagher was awaiting trial for allegedly murdering an Islamic State detainee in Iraq in 2017.
Gallagher’s legal team includes two Trump friends who are also former partners of his personal lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani: investigator Bernard Kerik, who is a former New York police commissioner and also a convicted felon; and Marc Mukasey, who represents Trump in a New York ban

Trump dishonors the military

In 2016, President Trump ran on a war crimes platform. He vowed: “I would bring back waterboarding. And I would bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding.” (Japanese soldiers were convicted after World War II in a war crimes tribunal for waterboarding American and Allied prisoners.) He also promised to “take out” the families of terrorists and approvingly recounted a false story about Gen. John J. Pershing executing 49 Muslim rebels in the Philippines, employing bullets dipped in pig fat.


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