John R Bolton is the Most Hated Man in the World an Islam-phobe
BATTLE FOR WORLD / THE GUARDIAN | May 16, 2019: The article highlights that the United States is closer to starting war with Iran than it has been since previous administrations. And Bolton is largely to blame for this posture.
President Donald Trump’s national security adviser John Bolton has been pushing for the United States to go to war with Iran even before he was assigned to his post. And many in the media are well aware of this because he has been talking about it for nearly two decades.
Everything that the Trump administration has implemented in its Iran policy, particularly since Bolton became Trump’s top foreign policy adviser in April of 2018, must be viewed through this lens, including the alarming US military posturing in the Middle East of the past two weeks. Which is much welcomed and encouraged by the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu.
Just after one month on the job, Bolton has been a destructive force, giving Trump the final push to withdraw from the Iran nuclear agreement, which at the time was successfully monitoring Iran’s nuclear program and blocking its pathways to build a nuclear bomb.
Bolton has no problem with manipulating or outright ignoring intelligence to advance his agenda (– specifically, that of the Neocons and the Ziocons to create a greater Israeli in the Middle-East, and said if he had to lie, he would do it), which is exactly what’s taking place now to shape that future reality.
John Bolton is a raging Islamophobe, and on April 9, he’s set to become President Donald Trump’s national security adviser.
Trump announced Thursday, to the alarm of foreign policy experts around the world, that Bolton would replace H.R. McMaster in the position. Bolton, who served under President George W. Bush in the State Department and as ambassador to the United Nations, is best known for his support of the Iraq War, in which hundreds of thousands of people were killed.
A less well-known but equally troubling aspect of Bolton’s career is his years of involvement with some of the most hateful and conspiratorial elements of the anti-Muslim movement in America.
“We urge Americans across the political spectrum to speak out against the appointment of John Bolton as White House National Security Adviser because of his ties to anti-Muslim bigots and his promotion of extremist views that will inevitably harm our nation and that could lead to unnecessary and counterproductive international conflicts,” Nihad Awad, national executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said in a statement Thursday.
“Bolton is the last person who should be entrusted with this critically-important position, which requires sound judgment and a fact-based approach to national security matters,” Awad said.
Bolton did not respond to a request for comment for this story.
Since 2013, Bolton has served as chairman of the Gatestone Institute, an anti-Muslim think tank. Under his leadership, Gatestone has published fearmongering articles with headlines like “Islam’s ‘Quiet Conquest’ of Europe” and “Refugees of an Occupation Army?” Other posts have depicted Muslim refugees as rapists and hosts of “highly infectious diseases.”
Gatestone has trafficked in paranoid and debunked conspiracy theories about American Muslims secretly working to undermine the U.S. government and implement Sharia, or Islamic law. The group has also been a proponent of the “no-go zone” myth, the false claim that certain neighborhoods in various European and American cities are off-limits to non-Muslims.
In 2016, Bolton was the keynote speaker at the annual conference of the far-right American Freedom Alliance. The title of that conference was “Islam and Western Civilization: Can They Coexist?” A few minutes into his speech, Bolton made a joke based on the racist conspiracy theory that President Barack Obama is secretly a Muslim.
Since leaving government work in 2006, Bolton has had a cozy relationship with some of America’s most virulent anti-Muslim activists, including Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer. He wrote the foreword for Geller and Spencer’s 2010 book, The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America. Bolton gave a full-throated endorsement of the book, which is replete with anti-Muslim tropes.
Since then, Bolton has been interviewed by Geller multiple times, and even offered a blurb for her latest book, Fatwa. “Free speech advocates who don’t make waves are not doing their jobs,” Bolton wrote. “Pamela Geller writes a guidebook here for Paladins of the First Amendment.”
Geller and Spencer are founders of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, which the Southern Poverty Law Center has classified as a hate group, and which the Anti-Defamation League describes as “consistently vilifying the Islamic faith under the guise of fighting radical Islam.”

The SPLC describes Geller as “probably the best known — and the most unhinged — anti-Muslim ideologue in the United States.” She came to prominence for her fearmongering over a proposed Islamic community center in lower Manhattan, which she argued would be a “victory mosque” for Muslims on “conquered land.”
She has called Islam, the world’s second largest religion, “the most radical and extreme ideology on the face of the earth” and said it should be regarded as “an authoritarian and supremacist political system.”
Her online presence is devoted to spreading anti-Muslim and anti-refugee propaganda. A 2015 FBI intelligence bulletin referred to stories published by Geller as “unfounded” and amounting to nothing more than “conspiracy theories” responsible for fomenting fear of Muslims in the U.S.
Geller was very excited Thursday that Trump had tapped Bolton as national security adviser:
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