Terminology Political Sore Thump by Sherif Monem
Coining political Term Political Sore Thumb. This is defined as political target for attacks by opponents.
Now Elizabeth Warren is claiming she is American Native Indian. This is her SORE THUMP.
Now Elizabeth Warren is claiming she is American Native Indian. This is her SORE THUMP.

Trump will hit on the American Native Indian Sore Thump.
Elizabeth Warren apologizes for claiming Native American heritage
“I am sorry that I extended confusion about tribal citizenship and tribal sovereignty and for harm caused I am also sorry for not being more mindful of this decades ago tribes and only tribes determine tribal citizenship,” Warren told reporters, reiterating she had apologized to the Cherokee Nation for taking a DNA test in October showing she had a small percentage of Native American descent.
“During this time period, this is consistent with what I did because it was based on my understanding from my family stories but family stories are not the same as tribal citizenship and this is why I have apologized,” Warren said. “My apology is an apology for not having been more sensitive about tribal citizenship and tribal sovereignty I really want to underline the point tribes and only tribes determine tribal citizenship.”
Sore Thump of Hillary Clinton was the Computer Server.
Two Thumps better than one.

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