Donald Trump Stirring Hatred and Hysteria Against Muslims by Promoting Anti-Muslim Fanatic Tweets and Blogs Political Analysis by Sherif Monem

Donald Trump an avowed ultra extreme Muslim hater are re-tweeting venom messages of the most radical Muslim haters in the country and abroad like in Britain.

In the real world, British Prime Minister Theresa May took to Twitter to condemn Donald Trump for re-tweeting anti-Muslim videos posted by an extremist right wing British group, which resulted in a back and forth between the two world leaders. 

The incidents of anti-Muslim violence and mosques burning in the US has spiked in the US to thye delight of Donald Trump avowed Jesus Christian follower.

Britain First, the far-right anti-Muslim group retweeted by Trump

Donald Trump are re-tweeting the venom anti-Muslim messages of the British far right radical groups.

What did Trump retweet?

The first video purportedly shows a "Muslim migrant" attacking a young Dutch man on crutches. However, the claim in this tweet appears to have little substance.
A spokesperson from the Dutch Public Prosecution Service told the BBC that the person arrested for the attack "was born and raised in the Netherlands" and was not a migrant, as claimed in the social media post.
The Netherlands Embassy in Washington DC confirmed this on Twitter.
The second video re-tweeted by Mr Trump shows a man smashing a statue of the Virgin Mary.
This video was uploaded to YouTube in 2013. The man in the clip says: "No-one but Allah will be worshiped in the land of the Levant," which could place him in Syria.
The third video originates from the riots that took place in Egypt in 2013, and shows a man being pushed from the top of a building in Alexandria. In 2015, those involved in the the incident were prosecuted, and one man was executed.
Muslim migrant" attacking a young Dutch man on crutches. A Donald Trump cooked lie. The guy in question was not migrant but Netherlands land born and raised. This individual indecent means nothing and can happen anywhere in the world. How about the two Imams who were killed in New York after exiting the mosque after the Jumaa Friday prayers. 
 Mr Trump shows a man smashing a statue of the Virgin Mary. This happened in Syria  during the civil war. How about the hundreds of mosques been destroyed to rubble by areal bombardment over Syria. How about the dozens of mosques been destroyed by arson in the US. How about the 2500 mosques destroyed by the Serbs and Croats in Bosnia. How about the hundreds of mosques destroyed in Central Africa? Is Donald Trump blind?
 a man being pushed from the top of a building in Alexandria. The man actually was a boy who was throwing deadly rocks on pedestrian in streets. So some man got angry and went up the building and throw the boy to death. This man was sentenced and executed. Is Donald Trump ignorant Trump not to realize that crimes happen every place every where in the world, This is very stupid and silly. How about Charlie Manson and followers who executed eight people? Any answer Mr. Trump? Is this what Jesus taught you Mr. Trump to hate Muslims? You read the bible every day before your breakfast and the cup of coffee, does Jesus teach you to hate Muslims?


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