Donald Trump the Straight Shooter and his Political Targets by Sherif Monem

Donald Trump is best shooter in town and you better believe it. Walk straight in line or you will raise my ire and be responsible for your actions or lack of actions. 
The list is impressive and here are some ducks who swayed of line when marching.

James Comey refused loyalty pledge. FBI director

Jeff Sessions recuses himself from Russia meddling of American presidential 2016 investigation. Trump he wanted a man who would protect him.

jeff sessions

As President Donald Trump considers firing Attorney General Jeff Sessions, he has reportedly weighed how the decision would play in conservative media circles.
The Washington Post reported late Monday that he had asked advisers about the cover he'd have among conservatives if he fired Sessions, whom Trump has criticized for recusing himself from the ongoing investigation into the Trump campaign's ties to Russia.
The Post reported that a person close to Trump said he asked about how firing Sessions "would play in the conservative media" and whether it would help to replace Sessions "with a major conservative."
But if the president were to fire Sessions, he may not have as many backers in the conservative media as he has for past controversial decisions.
Some of Trump's biggest boosters on the right have expressed wariness about or open opposition to firing Sessions.
Last week, Fox News' Tucker Carlson called attacking Sessions a "useless, self-destructive act" and said it was a "worrisome sign the president may be forgetting who is on his side."

"Don't shoot the friendlies," Carlson said on his show last week. "Sessions is the closest ally Trump has in this administration."

and now 

GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski

Trump targets Murkowski after healthcare votes

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, gestures before a public television debate on Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016, in Anchorage, Alaska. She faces three challengers in Tuesday’s general election. (AP Photo/Mark Thiessen)

for not following the line and voting

No’ on Obamacare Repeal, Defunding Planned Parenthood

Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) says she will not vote with fellow Republicans for an Obamacare repeal bill that defunds Planned Parenthood..

 President Donald Trump accused Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, a fellow Republican, of disappointing the country by opposing the GOP effort to demolish the Obama health care law, after initial votes demonstrated the party will be hard pressed to make any sweeping changes in the statute.

Sowing the wrath of Trump.


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