Donald Trump Hit a Bird with a Rock Scares the Others Political Analysis by Sherif Monm

Donald Trump Tomahawk missiles attack on Syrian Airfield where poison chemical bomb took of and killed more than 70 innocent people including babies, toddlers, young children, adult men and women was a master piece stroke. It deterred a lunatic dictator of Syria Bashar al-Asssad from using chemical weapons on Civilians or others, hopefully so.
In the mean time it scares other birds like North Korea leader and possibly Iran and Russia and China will take notice.
In the local front he in a sense have humiliated Barack Obama who in similar situation of poison gas bombing on civilians he had wobbly legs and did  nothing except an imaginary red line rhetoric.
In the political front he looked as strong man and alleviated the pressure on him with the congress investigation of some members of his cabinet and advisers.
To the Muslim world he scored a positive plus for his care and humanistic approach.
For some of his ultra conservative supporters he may angered them, but finally they have to swallow it.


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