Donald Trump Air Cruise Missile Strike on Syria Air Base The Pilot of the Aircraft that Dropped the Sarin Poison Gas Must be Arrested

Donald Trump great act and master strike over Syria air base military installation. This puts Trump on more superior moral base than Barack Obama who exhibited wobbly shaky legs when Bashar of Syria crossed the red line and dropped poison gas on civilians killing scores.

What Donald Trump in his moment of victory is to reap more successes by demanding that the Syrian pilot who dropped the SARIN gas on Khan Khion is to be brought to justice  and sent to Hague for international tribunal for trial. This must be stern demand on Syrian government to follow and conform, In the mean time Syria must surrender all its pile of Poison and nerve gas immediately, say within one week and stiff sanctions to be imposed and fines levies for every extra day not surrendering all the poison gas that it stores.

Bashar is in bad position now and he must comply with any demand may be imposed on him. Mr. Trump should not waver for acting very firmly with respect to Bashar who one assumes he acts as scared mouse now.

The firm actions in Syria will send very strong message for North Korea leader as well who is more danger with his nuclear weapons.


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