Debunking Fareed Zakaria Argument About Why Hillary Clinton Lost the Presidential Race against Donald Trump Analysis by Sherif Monem

On December-04-2016 on Fareed Zakaria show talk panel he attributed Hillary Clinton loss in her presidential bid to her failure to remind the rural America of her living in Arkansas and small towns.
Far from being right. The voters knew that and this was not a secret. Her loss however, was because she did not campaign aggressively against the loss of manufacturing to oversees. Whether can be anything to be done about it, the fact Donald Trump has this issue as main campaign issue. He arose anger to the blue collar voters specially in the Midwestern states and in eastern state of Pennsylvania.
The result the blue collar deserted their Democratic base and voted for the Republican Trump.
May be this is great illusion and Trump will not bring the manufacturing jobs back to America.
Clinton fell in the trap and lost the blue collar voters in drove.
Fareed Zakaria argument is off base and awfully simplistic.
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