2016 Election Polls

National Polling Average

Hillary Clinton

Donald J. Trump
Jan. ’16Feb.MarchAprilMayJuneJuly36%40%44%48%TrumpClinton
PollsDatesType, RespondentsClintonTrumpMargin
Morning Consult NEW6/24 - 6/27
4439Clinton +5
ABC News/Washington Post NEW6/20 - 6/23
Live Phone836
5139Clinton +12
NBC News/Wall Street Journal NEW6/19 - 6/23
Live Phone1,000
4641Clinton +5
Ipsos/Reuters6/18 - 6/22
4434Clinton +10
Rasmussen6/20 - 6/21
4439Clinton +5
The New York Times polling averages use all polls currently listed in The Huffington Post's polling database. Polls conducted more recently and polls with a larger sample size are given greater weight in computing the averages, and polls with partisan sponsors are excluded. Here’s how different types of polls work.
We are working to add data for third-party candidates. Differences in how pollsters ask about third-party candidates can make direct comparisons among polls problematic.

State Polling Averages

The candidates will focus on several swing states. Below are the averages in crucial states with a new poll in the past month. A candidate needs 270 electoral votes to win the presidency.

StateAverage MarginElectoral Votes
North CarolinaClinton +0.815
PennsylvaniaClinton +1.020
ArizonaClinton +1.511
OhioClinton +2.518
VirginiaClinton +3.213
FloridaClinton +3.929
GeorgiaTrump +4.416
WisconsinClinton +6.610


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