Maverick Ted Cruz Accuses Donald Trumps OF Having New York Values

Horror Horror Horror

“Let’s be honest. He said, New york values are about money and they’re about the media,” CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin said. “That’s an anti-Semitic trope from 100 years, it’s been around for a very long time, everyone in the whole country understands what he was saying.”
CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer responded Cruz has said the remarks are about Democratic politicians, citing Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY), Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY).
“Oh really,” Toobin said sarcastically. “They have nothing to do with money and media. Money and media is Jews. This is just an old-fashioned anti-Semitic stereotype, a derogatory term, and everyone understands it.”
The Texas senator started using the line earlier this year, when he said in a victory speech that when he campaigns around the country, voters understand “what New York values are,” an attack on Trump, a New York native.
“Everyone understands that the values in New York City are socially liberal or pro-abortion or pro-gay marriage. Focus [is] around money and the media,” Cruz said in January.
Cruz has only doubled down on the remarks while campaigning ahead of the New York primary, saying he doesn’t “remotely” regret the attack.
But Cruz hasn’t received an especially warm reception in New York City. His visit to a Bronx charter school on Wednesday was cancelled after the students threatened to walk out over Cruz’s “misogynistic, homophobic, and racist” views.


“New York” certainly can serve as code for “Jew” throughout what The New Yorker‘s Saul Steinberg (yes, a Jew) famously portrayed as the American Outback — in national politics no less than in other venues.
To Jesse Jackson, the city was ipso facto a Jewish place called Hymietown. As he confided to The Washington Post‘s Milton Coleman when he was running for president in 1984, “That’s all Hymie wants to talk about, is Israel; every time you go to Hymietown, that’s all they want to talk about.” When Coleman reported the remark, all hell broke loose.
Or take the iconic TV show “West Wing,” which in its inaugural episode had an irate Christian conservative say to Deputy Chief of Staff Josh Lyman, “It was only a matter of time with you, Josh. That New York sense of humor was just a little ….”
“She meant Jewish,” Communications Director Toby Ziegler says to Lyman. “When she said New York sense of humor, she was talking about you and me.”
Now I don’t think Cruz was referring to Trump as having a Jewish sense of humor, though I must confess that when I hear his voice I sometimes think I’m listening to Billy Crystal.
Nor was the junior senator from Texas denigrating New York for being all about Israel — since when it comes to foreign policy Cruz is all about Israel himself.
No, the key term in his debate explanation is “money.” You’ll find plenty of social liberalism in, say, Cambridge, Mass., where I was born and went to college and, like Cruz, earned my professional degree. Cambridge is not notably Jewish. But that “focus around money and the media”? That was “New York = Jews” all the way. Don’t kid yourself.


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