Mitt Romney and Kolob? Earth and Kolob who comes first

We believe that human beings inhabit the Moon. The Mormon Seer and Revelator, Brigham Young, for whom a University is named, revealed in 1870, that the Mormon MOON-MEN were similar to earthlings, except that they are much taller. Moon-men, Young teaches us, dress like Quakers. Brigham Young -- in a vision -- had visited the inhabitants on the far side of the Moon...

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It is believed by Mormons (like me) that Kolob is a planet or star which was the first of God’s temporal creations (Abr. 3:9; 3:16; 3:13; 2 Fac. 1). God measures time by the revolutions of Kolob which is the “grand governing creation near to the celestial or the place where God resides” (2 Fac.1:2). Of all celestial bodies Kolob is nearest to God’s throne, or, “nigh unto the throne of God” (Abr. 3:9). One thousand years on earth is equivalent to one revolution of Kolob (Abr. 3:4).

Kolob has never been identified with any modern astronomical object and is not recognized as an ancient concept by modern Egyptology. Kolob is rarely discussed in modern LDS religious contexts, but it is periodically a topic of discussion in criticism of Mormonism. The idea appears within LDS culture, including an LDS hymn about it. Kolob is also the inspiration for the fictional planet Kobol within the Battlestar Galactica universe, created by Glen A. Larson, a Mormon.
Mitt Romney Alliegence? A question to ponder?


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