
Showing posts from July, 2012

The Republicans who Control the Congress House Insist Tax Cut for Super Rich and Oppose Obama

Now that the Senate has voted to extend middle-class tax cuts, President Barack Obama is appealing to the GOP-run House to "do the right thing." At a Cabinet meeting, he told reporters the one-year extension will give families and businesses certainty at a time of economic worries in Europe and elsewhere. But GOP leaders say by exempting top income earners, the extension is a tax increase on job creators. And there's little chance the House will go along. Still, Obama said he and Cabinet secretaries will make the case in the next few days for the 218 votes needed for House passage. The president has long supported ending the Bush-era tax cuts for those making more than $250,000. The White House and the president's re-election team are reviving his arguments now as a way to suggest that the push by Romney and congressional Republicans for an across-the-board extension of the tax cuts could put America's middle class at risk. Republicans total nonsense lot of s...

The Nine Clowns that Mitt Romney Pick One of them for Vice President


Mitt Romney and Kolob? Earth and Kolob who comes first

We believe that human beings inhabit the Moon. The Mormon Seer and Revelator, Brigham Young, for whom a University is named, revealed in 1870, that the Mormon MOON-MEN were similar to earthlings, except that they are much taller. Moon-men, Young teaches us, dress like Quakers. Brigham Young -- in a vision -- had visited the inhabitants on the far side of the Moon... Jump to: navigation, search It is believed by Mormons (like me) that Kolob is a planet or star which was the first of God’s temporal creations (Abr. 3:9; 3:16; 3:13; 2 Fac. 1). God measures time by the revolutions of Kolob which is the “grand governing creation near to the celestial or the place where God resides” (2 Fac.1:2). Of all celestial bodies Kolob is nearest to God’s throne, or, “nigh unto the throne of God” (Abr. 3:9). One thousand years on earth is equivalent to one revolution of Kolob (Abr. 3:4). Kolob has never been identified with any modern astronomical object and is not recognized as an a...
Detail of Joseph Smith Hypocephalus. Reference numeral 1 represents Kolob according to Joseph Smith, Jr., who was not a trained Egyptologist. Critics interpret this as an altered figure of a creator god.Kolob is a star or planet described in Mormon scripture. Reference to Kolob is found in the Book of Abraham, a work published by Joseph Smith, Jr., the founder of the Latter Day Saint movement. According to this work, Kolob is the heavenly body nearest to the throne of God. While the Book of Abraham refers to Kolob as a "star", it also refers to planets as stars,and therefore, some LDS commentators consider Kolob to be a planet. Other Latter Day Saints (commonly referred to as Mormons) consider Kolob to be a metaphor. Kolob has never been identified with any modern astronomical object and is not recognized as an ancient concept by modern Egyptology. Kolob is rarely discussed in modern LDS religious contexts, but it is periodically a topic of discussion in criticism of Morm...

Rick Perry Stupid anti-Turkish Funny Nonsense on Fox Republican Debate
