
Showing posts from January, 2011

Michelle Bachman Republican Minnesota Speech and Enhancing the Art of Lying

Blaming the rise of unemployment on Obama is a lie. The unemployment rate was nose up when Obama took office. It took him 6 months to stabilize it to about 9% to 10% what is it now. With improving the economy this unemployment rate will start yo dip. The budget deficit is nonsense and will start to shrink once the economy start grwing again and more people be employed and paying federal income taxes.

Barack Obama Recent Rise in Approval Rating


The Obama and Republicans Deal about the Extension of Tax Cuts for the Rich

President Obama and congressional Republicans agreed Monday to a tentative deal that would extend for two years all the Bush-era income tax breaks set to expire on Dec. 31, continue unemployment benefits for an additional 13 months and cut payroll taxes for workers to encourage employers to start hiring. The deal has been in the works for more than a week and represents a concession by Obama to political reality: Democrats don’t have the votes in Congress to extend only the expiring income tax breaks that benefit the middle class. The White House estimates that the proposed agreement would prevent typical families from facing annual tax increases of about $3,000, starting Jan. 1. Obama was able to extract an agreement from GOP leaders to support an additional 13 months of jobless benefits, a 2 percent employee payroll tax cut and extensions of several tax credits aimed at working families that were included in the stimulus bill. The deal also would revive the estate tax, but it would e...

Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty Checking the Water for 2012 Republican Presidential Run


Barack Obama Hawaii Birth Certificate Photo


Brother Robert Bently Governer of Alabama Would You Spare a Dime ... No You Are Not My Brother You Dont Accept Jesus Christ

Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley,0,4351953.story

Arizona Shooting is a Fatal Shot on Sarah Palin Presidential Dreams


Hajji Habiba Akumu Obama the Grand Mother of Barack Obama of Kenya

Habiba Akumu Obama and Barack Obama Sr. as a child. Also known as Akumu Nyanjoga (c. 1918-death).[citation needed] Barack Obama's paternal grandmother, and the second wife of Hussein Onyango Obama. She gave Onyango three children: daughters Sarah and Auma, and son Barack (Barack Obama's father).[Her father was named Njango and she was born and raised in the Western Kenyan village of Karabondi. In his memoir Dreams from My Father, her grandson wrote that she was miserable in her marriage and abandoned her husband and children and subsequently married again and moved to present-day Tanzania. Luos are given name related the circumstances of their birth and Akumu means mysterious birth, a conception after a birth, but before resumption of menses. She took the name Habiba upon her conversion to Islam. A photograph of her holding her son, Barack Sr, on her lap is on the cover of her grandson's memoir.

Jesse Kelly the Murderer from Arizona

Back in June 2010, Kelly's campaign event website had a photo of the former Marine in military garb holding his weapon. It included the headline: "Get on Target for Victory in November. Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office. Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly." On January 8, 2011, his political opponent Gabrielle Giffords was one of the several people shot at a Safeway supermarket near Tucson, Arizona.

Sarah Palin the Most Dangerous Woman in America Cross-Hair Map

Sarah Palin’s target list is making headlines,after it was revealed that the former governor was targeting Gabrielle Giffords, a Democrat U.S. Congresswoman, who was the victim of the Jan. 8th shootout that took place in a grocery store in Tucson (Arizona). Gabrielle Giffords has been shot in the head by 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner who killed six people including a judge and a nine year old child while injuring eighteen other attendees. Reports claiming that Gabrielle Giffords has been “shot at close range in the head” has the media digging and analyzing an old post that Palin did back in March in 2010 where the 40-year-old wife of astronaut Mark Kelly was identified as a target. The Alaskan politician posted a map of the United States with crosshairs over red states where Democrats voted for the health care reform.

Sarah Palin and Shot Congress Woman Rep. Gabrielle Giffords from 8th District of Arizona

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Sarah Palin is very dangerous woman. Video

The Case for Immigration to the USA

The Economic Case for Immigration Immigration reform has been a national priority for many years, but it has been difficult to build winning legislative coalitions. Public concern aggravated by the recession has predominantly focused on concerns about job competition, wage pressures, and the perceived social costs of illegal immigrants. Lost in this discussion is the fact that the majority of immigrants live in the United States legally, and immigrant workers contribute income, Social Security, Medicare, and sales taxes. Immigrants create new businesses and job opportunities, spur innovation, and play significant roles in both high- and low-skilled occupations such as information technology, engineering, bio-tech, medical services, construction, hospitality, and agriculture. There is a strong economic argument that the growth and prosperity of the United States is dependent on immigrants replenishing our workforce. America will begin to age rapidly as the leading edge of the baby boom ...

Department of Home Security Web Site For more information, contact: Department of Homeland Security Office of the Chief Financial Officer Program Analysis and Evaluation 245 Murray Lane, SW Mailstop 200 Washington, D.C. 20528 Information may also be requested by sending an email to or calling (202) 447-0333.

The Change of Power in Congress 2011 Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner

All Smiles. Wishing John Boehner the best since he is in the driver seat now.