The Republican Leading Politicians for 2012 are Vocal Christians Tough as Nail

Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, a possible 2012 Republican presidential contender, quietly addressed a gathering of evangelical leaders in Minneapolis today. Pawlenty, an evangelical, tried to get the McCain campaign
to focus more on born-again Christians last year but to little avail.

Pawlenty's appearance today is a reminder that, for all the talk of the Christian right's flagging influence, the current field of Republican front-runners for 2012 presidential race is composed entirely of social conservatives.

Besides Pawlenty, the field includes:

•Sarah Palin, a nondenominational Christian and former Pentecostal who is opening up about her faith.
•Newt Gingrich, a recently converted Catholic who's stepping up efforts to organize religious conservatives.
•Bobby Jindal, a Catholic conservative and darling of the Christian right.
•Mark Sanford, an Episcopalian whom conservative Christian activists tried to draft into the presidential race last year.
•Mitt Romney, a Mormon who tried hard to win over skeptical evangelical leaders in his 2008 White House bid and whose church played an active role in passing Proposition 8 in California last year.
•Mike Huckabee, an ordained Baptist minister.
•A few other names floated as 2012 contenders are more socially moderate or have rockier relationships with the GOP's socially conservative base, but these folks are—at this early stage—second-tier contenders:
•Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, who has upset Christian conservatives by supporting gay civil unions.
•Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, who has long riled social conservatives in his state.
•Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, who had rough relations with conservative Christian leaders as head of the Republican National Committee in the 1990s.
*Ex-Senator Rick Santorum of the the Iowa Christian Alliance.,_2012


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