Moving the Site of the Lower Manhattan Islamic Center is Admission that Islam is condemned by 9/11

Muslims should never concede that the 9/11 attack on the NYC twin tower has to do any any thing near to Islam. Moving the cite is condemnation of Islam.
Few people will not define Islam, same like crimes committed by Christians, Jews, Hindu or Buddhists can't define or condemn these religions.
On the other hand if the city of NY is sincere to move the center then a new site located at corner interesection of major streets with ample parking area can be substiute.
However,moving the mosque for sake of 9/11 is huge admission that Islam as a religion should be condemned for 9/11. Muslims should never agree to such proposition made by the fierce anti-Muslim fanatics be any religion they belong to.
In the mean time 9/11 should be seen as a political terrorist act coated with veneer Islam without any authorization from the worl dover one billion Muslims.


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