
Showing posts from December, 2019

House nears nighttime impeachment vote as Trump cries foul The U.S. House marched on Wednesday toward historic nighttime votes to impeach President Donald Trump, split as severely as the nation over the conduct of the 45th American president but all but certain to approve the charges against him and send them to the Senate for trial. Trump, accused of abusing his presidential power when he asked Ukraine to investigate his political rival ahead of the 2020 election and then obstructing Congress' investigation, would be just the third American president to be impeached, leaving a lasting stain on his tenure at the White House. U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 (202) 224-3121

Turkey's president says he could close Incirlik Air Base over US sanctions

Turkey is prepared to kick the U.S. military out of Incirlik Air Base if Washington imposes sanctions on the country, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said, raising the stakes after a similar warning was made last week by Turkey’s foreign minister. “We will close down Incirlik if necessary," Erdogan said Sunday on Turkey’s A Haber news program. The U.S. has about 50 nuclear bombs stored at Incirlik, which watchdog groups have raised security concerns about. But President Donald Trump said earlier this year he is confident the weapons are safe at the base. Erdogan also said a U.S. Army site in the small Turkish village of Kurecik, which houses a key radar for NATO missile defense efforts in Europe, also could be closed down. “If they are threatening us with these sanctions, of course we will be retaliating,” he said. Erdogan’s warnings come a week after a U.S. Senate committee backed legislation calling for economic sanctions after Turkey acquired Russia’s S-4...

Democrats Survival and Win in 2020 Presidential Race Vice-President Pick by Sherif Monem Monemmm

The survival of the Democratic Party and Chances of Winning against Donald Trump in 2020n presidential race is crucially based on the choice of vice presidential pick. Hillary Clinton acted like an idiot when she picked a clown as her presidential race and this may have costed her the loss and miserable defeat. The choice of running mate is very Crucial of who may be the nominee for the Democratic party and this may be the presumed Joe Biden. The running mate should plug in for the weakness in the presidential candidate and this is the white vote which Donald Trump dominates. So it is very, very crucial for candidate as Joe Biden to pick a candidate who will attract a sizable white votes. On the other hand for very good campaigner with good future progressive agenda will be Bernie Sanders or for woman would be Elizabeth Warner.

Donald Trump Victim of Desire to Humiliate Others Ukraine Biden Political Analysis by Sherif Monem

Donald Trump sick trait of trying his best to insult and humiliates his opponents has finally backfired on him and got him yo be impeached in the US House of Representatives of Congress. Democrat Joe Biden was not a real threat of Donald Trump Wak-Wak as opponent in the 2020 US presidential campaign but Donny wanted to humiliate him and throw dirt on him and he found Ukraine as the salvation of his spinster scheme.  Throw some dirt on sleepy Joe and you will get the military arms. Do me favor,  favor, favor,    favor, Yuk, Yuk, Yuk. An impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump was initiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on September 24, 2019, after a whistleblower alleged that President Donald Trump had abused the power of the presidency by withholding both military aid and a White House meeting as a means of pressuring newly-elected President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky to publicly announce investigations which would be damaging to Trump's political rival Jo...