Inside the Evangelical Vision of Apocalypse Driving Trump’s Friendship with Israel
Why do so many Christian evangelicals support Trump? Why are they unshakably loyal to him? And why has the U.S. under Trump aligned itself so thoroughly with Israel, even risking unrest in the Middle East in the process? He then explains how Trump has rallied support for this base and used U.S. foreign policy to fulfill elements of their prophecies. As a result, many evangelicals see Trump as an essential religious figure, and support him accordingly. In the late 19th century and early 20th century, the world was changing fast; too fast for throngs of people, who felt overwhelmed, disempowered and helpless to the relentless pace of global politics. Darwin’s theory of evolution, gargantuan wars like World War I, literary criticism of the Bible, exposure to other religions, the sinking of the Titanic, economic crises; all these moments shook millions of protestants in America, who turned to their bibles to try and grasp the fast-changing world around them. And what they saw...