
Showing posts from August, 2018

John McCain slaps Donald Trump on the face You do not attend my funeral Political Analysis by Sherif Monem

From behind the coffin John McCain slaps Donald Trump on the face "You do not attend my funeral". John McCain's final words in full: Powerful letter to America with huge sting in the tail for rival Donald Trump Politics behind the grave. The beat goes on. One of John McCain's final wishes was that Donald Trump not attend his funeral Frightening Look How dare you "not attend". Trump will not attend McCain’s funeral Sen. McCain, who  died of brain cancer  at age 81 on Saturday, “will be laid to rest at the U.S. Naval Academy Cemetery in Annapolis, Maryland,” John McCain is very much hated by Muslims by some of his past remarks.

إلهان عمر مسلمه للكونجرس الامريكى

-إلهان عمر أمريكية من أصل صومالي، إذا ما فازت فلن يكون الكونجرس تجربتها النيابية الأولى، فقد فازت قبل عامين بمقعد في مجلس نواب ولاية مينيسوتا. بحسبما ذكرته هيئة الإذاعة البريطانية "بي بي سي"، فقد قضت إلهان أربع سنوات في مخيمات اللجوء في كينيا بعدما اضطرت للهرب مع أهلها من نيران الحرب الأهلية في بلادها، كان ذلك قبل أن تهاجر إلى الولايات المتحدة عام 1995. وفي حوارها مع "بي بي سي"، قالت إلهان: "أثق في الناخبين وفي قدرتهم على اختيار من يشاركهم مبادئهم ورؤيتهم لا من يشاركهم هويتهم". فازت أمريكية صومالية في ولاية مينيسوتا في الانتخابات التمهيدية للحزب الديمقراطي في ولايتها ما يفسح الطريق أمامها لدخول مجلس النواب كإحدى أوائل النساء المسلمات بعد الأمريكية المسلمة من أصل فلسطيني رشيدة طليب. وأعلنت إلهان عمر، وهي مسلمة ترتدي الحجاب وعضو في مجلس نواب مينيسوتا، فوزها في الانتخابات التمهيدية في نتيجة أكدتها وسائل الإعلام الأمريكية، وورد في بيان على موقعها الإلكتروني «تم إعلان فوز إلهان عمر في الانتخابات التمهيدية في السباق لعضوية الكونجرس لتمثيل الدائرة الخا...

Harley Rouda Lazy Campaign in Orange County Congressional 48 District

The month of August is running to close and the visibility and name recognition of Harley among voters are very law. The assumption of Harley that the 48-Congressional district has become democratic is very week. Actually the number of the Republicans voters in the June primary was twice as large of that for democrats. Harley should approach and try to attract some of the Republican voters in the south of the 48th district. Dana Rohrabacher still an old dog that can bite. California's 48th congressional district - since January 3, 2013 Ethnicity 58.6% White 0.9% Black 17.5% Asian 19.9% Hispanic 3.1 [1] % other

Omarosa: 'Very clear' Trump is a racist

Trump Calling Omarosa a 'Dog' Is Sexist and Racist, Period. Former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman says there is no doubt in her mind that President Trump is a racist. Manigault Newman, who was fired from her White House position of communications director for the Office of Public Liaison in December, is currently promoting a tell-all memoir about her time in the Trump campaign and administration. Her position on Trump's alleged racism has changed since her ouster. Speaking to ABC News last year, she said, "Trump is racial but he is not a racist." Manigault Newman's book, "Unhinged: An Insider's Account of the Trump White House," includes multiple allegations of racist and unstable behavior from the president, whom she has known since her time as a contestant on "The Apprentice." When asked why she continued to work for Trump if he was a racist, she says he changed. "Donald Trump is that friend that g...