
Showing posts from June, 2017

Shameful US Supreme Court Approves Donald Trump Religious Bigotry Against Muslims

In disgusting low act of the US Supreme Court Justices approved a bigoted decree of Donald Trump of travel ban of Muslims from six countries. During the 2016 Trump had spat with Somali Muslims of Minnesota,  Donald Trump is feverish Christianist who never forgets invoking Lord Jesus Christ in every sentence he utters and in all occasions. The US Supreme Court Justices all Federal Court Justice past rulings go into the toilet.  

President Donald Trump is The First Openly Islam and Muslims Hater President in American History

President Donald Trump based his election campaign win in 2016 as Muslim hater with massive rallies promising no Muslims to be allowed in America and creating Muslim religious registry. Stopping Muslims refugees from entering America was his drum beat winning his presidency with 60 % of Republican Christian  voters in America as bigots cheering and approving.  

Mr. Donald Trump Unpredictable Surprises

Mr Donald Trump man of surprise moves and policy directions changes with contradictions of the past Trump Surprise  The firing of FBI Chief  James Comey Late night comedy hosts found themselves surprised by the news that President Trump fired FBI Director James Comey Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, and Trevor Noah had to swiftly respond to the breaking news. Trump’s budget surprises and wishful thinking President Donald Trump’s $4.1 trillion budget breaks with Republican orthodoxy on domestic programs, funds programs he threatened to cut, increases spending where he called for less, and cuts parts of government he promised not to touch. Much like his approach to managing the presidency, Trump’s debut budget has proven to be unpredictable, controversial and confusing – even to budget experts across Washington. Here’s POLITICO’s look at the contradiction...

Pictures of the Trump Family Clan What Two Years Make a Difference?

Time is Grinder and for young boy to grow.

trump weekly cartoon June 15 2017


Donald Trump Teflon Coat will Survive Obstruction of Justice Charges?

Trump is flirting with obstruction of justice by firing Comey and threatening to release 'tapes', Democrats claim President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday Democrats says Trump dismissed Comey to derail probe into alleged Russia ties Trump on Friday threatened to release 'tapes' of Comey Lawmakers said the threat may constitute 'intimidation and obstructing justice'  Read more: Follow us:  @MailOnline on Twitter  |  DailyMail on Facebook President Donald Trump (left) may have broken the law when he fired James Comey (right), the former director of the FBI and the man heading an investigation into his campaign's alleged ties to Russia, Democratic lawmakers said on Friday Read more: Follow us:...