More than 200 civilians killed in suspected U.S. airstrike in Iraq by Donald Trump Orders
Fulfilling his campaign pledge Donald Trump raining death from the skies on the Iraqi civilian population reminiscent of the bombing of Dresden during the second world war. More than 200 civilians killed in suspected U.S. airstrike in Iraq Unatha Jasim watched Iraqi civil defense workers in red suits scurry among the ruins of her neighbors’ homes Friday, extracting the dead and zipping them into blue body bags. The massive explosion that tore through Baghdad Street last week killed nine of Jasim’s relatives, including son Firas, 7, and daughter Taiba, 4. “We recovered half his body,” she said of the 7-year-old. “The rest is still there.” The U.S.-led coalition in Iraq is investigating whether it was responsible for an airstrike in the west Mosul neighborhood of Aghawat Jadidah March 17 that local civil defense officials said killed at least 200. It would be the highest civilian death toll from an airstrike since the battle against the militant group Islamic State be...