
Showing posts from June, 2015

Hillary Clinton's poll numbers Down

Hillary Clinton's poll numbers signal trouble ahead   6/2/15 7:32 PM EDT Getty 2546 Shares More from POLITICO Magazine »   Hillary Clinton has a numbers problem. No question, as her retinue of aides and supporters is quick to point out, she still polls better than any of her putative Republican rivals. And yes, it was inevitable that as she moved squarely into the political arena, Americans would see her as less of an above-the-fray stateswoman and more of a partisan Democrat. And of course it’s still June 2015 — six months before any actual voters will be picking sides in an Iowa caucus room, and well over a year before the main event. Story Continued Below   But still: Her untrustworthy ratings are stubbornly high, and perhaps most alarming of all for Team Hillary, the “so-called scandals,” as Clinton...