
Showing posts from March, 2011

Democratic Senator Charles Schumer Calls the Republican Cuts Extreme

WASHINGTON — Speaking to several Democratic colleagues Tuesday, Sen. Charles Schumer, the third-ranking Democrat in the Senate, said they should all use the word “extreme” when describing the budget cuts that Tea Party Republicans were seeking in the ongoing budget negotiations.

Michele Bachmann Fool for Christ Video


Minnesota Michele Bachmann President for 2012 Horror OMG


John Boehner to Barack H Obama Specifics Please about Libya War


John Boehner Wants an Explanation from Barack Obama about Libya

Boehner: Obama Must Explain Libya Mission To Congress, American People House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) issued the following statement on the situation in Libya, Sunday afternoon: "The United States has a moral obligation to stand with those who seek freedom from oppression and self-government for their people. It’s unacceptable and outrageous for Gaddafi to attack his own people, and the violence must stop. "The President is the commander-in-chief, but the Administration has a responsibility to define for the American people, the Congress, and our troops what the mission in Libya is, better explain what America’s role is in achieving that mission, and make clear how it will be accomplished. Before any further military commitments are made, the Administration must do a better job of communicating to the American people and to Congress about our mission in Libya and how it will be achieved."

Cutting Funds for the National Public Radio is a Crime by the Republicans

The Republicans are continuing their crimes by cutting funds to the National Public Radio, NPR and now corporations will own them as they own the rest of the media and information dictatorship will be established. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx NPR woes escalate as House votes to strip its federal funding The GOP-led House, determined to trim spending and emboldened by NPR's recent black eyes, voted Thursday to end NPR's federal funding. Under the bill, no public radio stations could use taxpayer dollars to buy NPR programs. The House of Representatives voted Thursday to eliminate NPR's federal funding – and to prohibit public radio stations from using taxpayer money to pay NPR dues or to buy NPR programs. House lawmakers voted 228-192 to defund NPR, with all Democrats and a handful of Republicans voting against the measure. Rep. Dennis Kucinich, Ohio Democrat and a defender of NPR, said that in the United States the broadcast airwaves actually are h...

Muslim Women in Hijab Behind Barack Obama Please Move Away from the Video Camera Shot Young Muslim ladies please move away so you do not appear behind Barack Obama on people's home televisions and bars.

Right Winger US Congressman Michele Bachmann a Total Ignorant of History and Geography

Rep. Michele Bachmann seemed to think she was in Massachusetts today as she delivered a speech to a group of conservatives in New Hampshire today. “You’re the state where the show was heard around the world in Lexington and Concord,” she told the crowd incorrectly, later making references to Plymouth Rock and calling New Hampshire the “first in the nation state.” New Hampshire is, of course, the first nation to host a primary in 2012, making it particularly important to campaign and promote parties in (though not, as Rep. Bachmann called it, the first state). That appeared to be Rep. Bachmann’s goal in speaking to the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire today, which, keeping with the founding theme, handed out copies of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Rep. Bachmann kept to the theme, too, except attributed to the state she was in qualities of neighboring Massachusetts: “What I love about New Hampshire and what we have in common is our extreme love for liber...

Sarah Palin Fishing and Hunting Caribou in Alaska

Ultimate cruelty.

Mike Huckabee Claims Barack Obama was Raised in Kenya the Case of Insanity

Image video "good answer Huckabee ... honest".

Republicans Tax Cuts Target the Poor, the sick, the hungry and the vulnerable

Christina Sablan, who lost the ability to speak Republicans Tax Cuts Target Poor, sick, hungry vulnerable