
Showing posts from June, 2010

Senator Ben Nelson No to Unemployment Benefit Extension

Senate Fiddles While Jobless Workers Suffer And have they ever been using it on the pending jobs/tax bill (H.R. 4213) that the House sent over in late May. I thought by now I'd be telling you what the Senate managed to pass. Instead, I've been following a seemingly endless round of amendments and insider reports on what Senator Max Baucus (D-MT), Chairman of the Finance Committee, has been doing to get a couple of Republicans on board. He figured he'd probably need at least two because Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE) had said that he wouldn't vote for anything — no extended unemployment benefits, no emergency aid to the states, no extension of the TANF Emergency Contingency Fund, no nothing — unless it was totally offset by other spending cuts, revenue raisers or a combination of both. As of Thursday, the already-curtailed unemployment benefits extension had taken another hit. The extra $25 per week that's been in unemployment checks since Congress passed the economic rec...

Obama Meets With The Old Man Billy Graham Age Catches on

President Obama had his first meeting with Rev. Billy Graham on Sunday, stopping at the Blue Ridge Mountains retreat of the 91-year old evangelist on his way to West Virginia to eulogize the 29 coal miners who died there.

The Annoying Steve Poizner Running for the GOP Governor Primary in California is Gone

The annoying fire brand right winger Steve Poizner running GOP governorship primary in California was defeated and he can sail to sunset. This Steve Poizner all what he can do is to brand his opponent as "Liberal", like this is a dirty word. He saturated the TV with his advertisement denouncing the illegal aliens as they are god curse on this country and source of all troubles and evil. Now Steve Poizner can give us plenty of rest from his frenzy ads.

Yahoo "Answers a Cess Pool Throwing Mud on Barack Obama

An example: Why has 0bama declined to meet with Gov Jan Brewer to discus illegal immigration? 0bama turning tail does not surprise me. His bogus discrimination claims sounds too good to his sheep. he dare not do anything to have yet one more lie obliterated. He needs these illegals fast tracked to citizen/voting status for any chance to keep his job in 2012. Yahoo deletes immediately any good thing about Obama and call it a "community violation".;_ylt=Avf8JS0C9RrMURG0utuI5r6lDH1G;_ylv=3?qid=20100531062127AAPVdT6