George W Bush and Barack Obama Economic Comparison
BUSH-REPUBLICANS DESTROYED AMERICA, AND OBAMA IS DOING A GREAT JOB FIXING IT Between Jan 20 2001-2009 under Republican's leadership and policies of deregulation and a 15% tax rate for wealthy people: Dow Jones plunged 25% from to 10,587 to 7949 Gasoline tripled from 1.44 to 4.11 per gallon on July 11, 2008 Unemployment doubled from 4.2% to 8.2% National debt doubled from 5.7 trillion to 10.6 trillion Budget went from a 236 billion surplus to a 1.2 TRILLION deficit (a 1.4 trillion drop) Losing 700,000 jobs monthly Economy in total freefall (Republicans try to confuse people by saying democrats took over in Jan 2007 and started the recession, but they can not name one thing democrats did to hurt the economy. All experts state the housing crisis started in 2006 and all subprime loans had already been made under a republican congress and president) SOURCES: BUSH OVERSAW A DOW JONES THAT PLUNGED 25% OVER 8 YEARS (Source:^DJI) GASOLINE TRIPLED UNDER BUSH ...