
Showing posts from February, 2010

George W Bush and Barack Obama Economic Comparison

BUSH-REPUBLICANS DESTROYED AMERICA, AND OBAMA IS DOING A GREAT JOB FIXING IT Between Jan 20 2001-2009 under Republican's leadership and policies of deregulation and a 15% tax rate for wealthy people: Dow Jones plunged 25% from to 10,587 to 7949 Gasoline tripled from 1.44 to 4.11 per gallon on July 11, 2008 Unemployment doubled from 4.2% to 8.2% National debt doubled from 5.7 trillion to 10.6 trillion Budget went from a 236 billion surplus to a 1.2 TRILLION deficit (a 1.4 trillion drop) Losing 700,000 jobs monthly Economy in total freefall (Republicans try to confuse people by saying democrats took over in Jan 2007 and started the recession, but they can not name one thing democrats did to hurt the economy. All experts state the housing crisis started in 2006 and all subprime loans had already been made under a republican congress and president) SOURCES: BUSH OVERSAW A DOW JONES THAT PLUNGED 25% OVER 8 YEARS (Source:^DJI) GASOLINE TRIPLED UNDER BUSH ...

The White House Health Summit February-25-2010 Barack Obama


The Years the Democrats Have More than 60 Senate Seats

Since there have been 50 states, Republicans have never had 60 senators. There were 60 or more Democratic senators after seven elections -- 1960 (64), 1962 (66), 1964 (68), 1966 (64), 1974 (61), 1976 (62) and 2008 (60, following Arlen Specter's discovery that he is a Democrat and the protracted Minnesota recount).

Congressman Anh “Joseph” Cao the Republican Red Dog of Louisiana

Rep. Anh "Joseph" Cao, the unlikely congressman from New Orleans, is facing the perils of bipartisanship unlike any other lawmaker in Washington - trying to please a heavily Democratic constituency while relying on core conservatives for money to fuel his campaign.

Barack Obama Health Care Summit at the White House February-25-2010

At the beginning of President Obama's heath care summit with a bipartisan group of congressmen, two opposing camps of activists gathered their signs, lab coats and megaphones to rally across the street from Blair House, the site of the half-day meeting. The two groups railed against each other on 17th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, trying to drown each other out with shouts of "Medicare for all!" and "Kill the bill!" But both sides had one large point of agreement: neither support the bill in its current form.

Bipartisan Meeting on Health Reform February-25-2010

President Obama and Congressional leaders from both parties meet to discuss health reform at the Blair House in Washington, D.C. Opening remarks by President Obama, Sen. Lamar Alexander (TN), Speaker Nancy Pelosi (CA), and Sen. Harry Reid (NV).

Former V.P. Dick Cheney hospitalized, resting comfortably Why He Denies Other Health Care? February 22-2010

Former V.P. Dick Cheney hospitalized, resting comfortably

Symphony of Distortion at CBAC 2010

The List of the Republican Anarchists. No taxes, No government and no-regulations. Nonsense Agenda: Founded in 1964, ACU represents the views of Americans who are concerned with economic growth through lower taxes and reduced government spending and the issues of liberty, personal responsibility, traditional values and national security. All bogus. David A. Keene – Chairman Hon. Dick Armey Hon. John Ashcroft Rep. Michele Bachmann Glenn Beck Amb. John Bolton Andrew Breitbart Herman Cain Tucker Carlson Liz Cheney Ann Coulter Sen. Jim DeMint Hon. Newt Gingrich David Keene Wayne LaPierre Rep. Ron Paul Gov. Tim Pawlenty Rep. Mike Pence Rep. Tom Price Hon. Mitt Romney Hon. Marco Rubio Hon. Rick Santorum Hon. J.C. Watts George F. Will 2010 The American Conservative Union Conservatives leapt to their feet when Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney declared Democrats the party of "No!" – no to balanced budgets, limits on lawsuits, tax cuts and tough interrogations of terror susp...

Obama-wont-abandon-blame-bush-strategy Rightfully So

The White House has no plans to give up on its blame-Bush strategy. A White House adviser says that George W. Bush and his policies created "the hole we're in," and President Obama will keep reminding the country of the economic "mess" he inherited. Obama takes frequent jabs at his predecessor for leaving him an economy that was teetering on the brink of collapse, and White House aides say he won't stop anytime soon. At a meeting Wednesday with Senate Democrats, for example, Obama rejected Arkansas Sen. Blanche Lincoln's call for him to move to the center. Obama said, "If the price of certainty is essentially for us to adopt the exact same proposals that were in place for eight years leading up to the biggest economic crisis since the Great Depression ... the result is going to be the same. I don't know why we would expect a different outcome pursuing the exact same policy that got us into this fix in the first place." Last week, Obama also...

Sarah Palin to Tea Party Convention: 'This is about the people'

How many people will agree she i stalking about their behalf?,0,5847758.story

The Tea Party Bunch a Historic Larceny and Richard Behney Charade

The Tea Party crowd are fake and American historical event with no basis. The whole tea party of 2010 has nothing to do with the pre-revolutionary war protest against King George and their slogan of no taxation without representation that does not apply today. The Indiana Republican Party is officially disapproving of remarks by Richard Behney, a Tea Party activist who is seeking the GOP nomination to run against Democratic Sen. Evan Bayh, and who declared that if the 2010 elections don't turn out right he would be "cleaning my guns and getting ready for the big show."