
Showing posts from October, 2009

McCain? Mc Hawk? or McWar?

With John McCain stance on the war in Afghanistan the question is would he be called McWar appropritely? God protect the world from many men like him.

Barack Obama No Rush on Afghanistan Troops Decision


Congressman Alan Grayson Claims Dick Cheney a Vampire


Why Dick Cheney Doesn't Fade Away? No Body Needs Him


Fox Channel and Barack Obama Butting Heads

Fox Channel and Barack Obama Butting Heads

John McCain Afghanistan Views Banana Logic and DumpKumf Chicken Hawk

John McCain advice on Afghanistan utterly nonsense. Eating lot of banana can do it. The fastest gun from Arizona. The cow boy of the west. More troops ... More troops dum dum dum dumdoom dum. If no more troops will be gross historic trajedy dum dum dumdoom dum.

Democratic Rep. Charlie Rangel Should Pack and Leave

Democratic Rep. Charlie Rangel should pack and leave. He has been around for long time.

John McCain Narrow-Mindedness and War Mongering in Afghanistan

John McCain he just forgot he was defeated in 2008 for his bid to the white house at the hands of Barack Obama. Now he wants to give him advice for more troops to Afghanistan. How silly?

Senator Lindsey Graham Follow the Generals Commands Idiocy

Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, the world is simple: the commander in Afghanistan said "send more troops". Then Barack Obama should follow with no hesitation. What idiocy?

CNN The War Against Barack Obama the Biased Reporting

In a report concerning the news that Barack Obama is cool about the idea of sending more troops to Afghanistan at the request of some American general, the host of the program Alan Cooper and the two guests chronically Barack Obama nemesis David Gergen and reporter Peter Bergen ripped Barack Obama into shreds. Enough for balanced CNN.

Alan Grayson Democrat Liberal Folk Hero

Alan Grayson: Republicans Want Sick People To Die Quickly. Alan Grayson Apologizes to the Dead, not Republicans 1. Don't Get Sick 2. And If You Do Get Sick ... 3. Die Quickly

America's War Lords Mitt Romney and John McCain

Barack Obama made America unsafe. Closing Gitmo! America in trouble. No radar installations in Check Republic and Poland. Oh my God. Unsafe unsafe unsafe Down with the Democrats.

Congressman Alan Grayson, Florida Democrat "Die Quickly" Remark

On Tuesday the freshman congressman Alan Grayson, Florida Democrat, spoke on the floor of the House of Representatives and charged in a speech that "the Republicans want you to die quickly if you get sick." In his presentation he included a placard that read "The Republican Health Care Plan: Die Quickly."

We Are All in Yellow Submarine


Arkansas Senator Blanche Lincoln: No to Public Option

Senator Blanche Lincoln is running for re-election next year as a Democrat. The Democrats have been campaigning for years on the promise of universal health care, or at least health care reform that would make medical insurance affordable for all Americans. The public option is a widely popular way to expand health care coverage. Given that, why did Senator Lincoln use her vote in the senate to kill the public option in the Senate’s health care reform legislation? Look at where Lincoln is getting the money for her 2010 re-election campaign if you want to find the answer. She has raised over 4 million dollars for her campaign so far, and most of it comes from political action committees and funneled corporate money. A great deal of that money comes from organizations and individuals who profit from the health care status quo. Of all U.S. Senators, Blanche Lincoln is the top recipient of donations from companies that manufacture and sell medical supplies. Lincoln also takes a great deal ...