Cutting Funds for the National Public Radio is a Crime by the Republicans

The Republicans are continuing their crimes by cutting funds to the National Public Radio, NPR and now corporations will own them as they own the rest of the media and information dictatorship will be established.

NPR woes escalate as House votes to strip its federal funding
The GOP-led House, determined to trim spending and emboldened by NPR's recent black eyes, voted Thursday to end NPR's federal funding. Under the bill, no public radio stations could use taxpayer dollars to buy NPR programs.

The House of Representatives voted Thursday to eliminate NPR's federal funding – and to prohibit public radio stations from using taxpayer money to pay NPR dues or to buy NPR programs.

House lawmakers voted 228-192 to defund NPR, with all Democrats and a handful of Republicans voting against the measure.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich, Ohio Democrat and a defender of NPR, said that in the United States the broadcast airwaves actually are held by the public and space is divvied up by the government, which issues broadcast licenses.



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